How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I should mention, all 3 eggs she laid today are all fully formed hard shells (since most of the other posts I've read about this seem to involve some of them being soft shelled).. However, she didnt lay any yesterday and she typically lays one every day.
soft shelled are not common but can happen in the real young or ill birds
it is rare to have a bird lay even two a day maybe she had late at night
and you have another layer?

We were out of town for the weekend but our 5 young ladies stayed busy! :D
It's possible she could have laid one late last night, I collected yesterday's eggs in the evening when I locked the girls up for the night, the hen I'm talking about didn't Any at that time and she usually lays one every day. I have seen two from her in one day in the recent past. I just figured maybe that happens sometimes and didn't really think much about it.. but 3 just seems crazy! I have 6 laying hens but only one lays light green eggs (which is how I identify whose are whose as I have a variety of hens and egg colors/size/shape) and just a few minutes ago before I posted this, I locked my girls up and picked up the eggs and found that 3 of the 5 I picked up were all hers. I was pretty surprised to see this and was searching to see if this is normal. She seems normal, looks healthy and is acting like her usual self. I'd guess she must be pretty relieved! (and perhaps a bit proud of herself! Lol)
It's possible she could have laid one late last night, I collected yesterday's eggs in the evening when I locked the girls up for the night, the hen I'm talking about didn't Any at that time and she usually lays one every day. I have seen two from her in one day in the recent past. I just figured maybe that happens sometimes and didn't really think much about it.. but 3 just seems crazy! I have 6 laying hens but only one lays light green eggs (which is how I identify whose are whose as I have a variety of hens and egg colors/size/shape) and just a few minutes ago before I posted this, I locked my girls up and picked up the eggs and found that 3 of the 5 I picked up were all hers. I was pretty surprised to see this and was searching to see if this is normal. She seems normal, looks healthy and is acting like her usual self. I'd guess she must be pretty relieved! (and perhaps a bit proud of herself! Lol)
this was over two days right that is not overly unheard of
4 eggs from 4 hens. Most we've ever gotten. Weve barely gotten eggs on back to back days so this was cool even if one was a rubber. I watched two of them be laid and saw the bloom dry, really cool!

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