How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Not sure how your setup is.  Mine is totally enclosed including the top.  We put a bungee from inside the run to the door of the run.  Our door opens out.  If I go in the door automatically shuts behind me.  If I open the door really wide, it will stay open.  It is at the top of our door.  I guess it works that way because we do not have it pulled super tight to begin with.  Hope that gives you an idea.

Thank you
9 of 12 today. One of my larger laying EE started back up the other day I was happy to see a large green eggs again I was only getting 3 smalls from the 5 EE. Also I have 2 chickens that keep trying to go broody. 1 has already tried 4 tines this season, managed to break her by just collecting eggs, took 3 box sessions but now I can pick her up off the nest without gloves and without being bit. But now the other is starting turn 5 for the season and she gets mean, she actually drew blood on me. I feel bad putting them in broody time out but it's also not worth the wasted energy for them to sit either.
How is your Mom? Mine is doing alright tickled pink when i brought her old photos
of her and my step dad as they got married and where they first lived on property
he had as a cattle ranch in Auburn WA
My Mom is back in the hospital with internal bleeding ( don't remember if you knew that our not). They found the cause, a "scratch on her rectum". They put a clamp on it & it's suppose to heal on it's own. Now they are working on getting her potassium back up. We think she will go back to the nursing home tomorrow (Friday). Both of my brothers are in town, so all 3 of us "kids" will be out to see her on Saturday.
I'm glad to hear that your Mom enjoyed seeing the pictures!
I have Easter eggers ....16 chickens 3 rooster ........I'm only getting 3 eggs a day if I'm lucky. ...& they are small....very small ....I just got the chicks in March .... how many should they lay in a day
We got our chicks March 14th and they just started laying this week. I would imagine now that they have started the production will get more and more steady and the others will start laying too. Right now we only have 2 of seven that have started laying. I noticed that the ones that lay will submit the minute we walk up to them. Our Black Australorps have now started the same so I would expect eggs from them soon. The BO and GLW are still scatterers and not submitting at all. They will be last I imagine.
I have Easter eggers ....16 chickens 3 rooster ........I'm only getting 3 eggs a day if I'm lucky. ...& they are small....very small ....I just got the chicks in March .... how many should they lay in a day
I the beginning weeks/months of egg laying they will lay sporadically, sometimes 1 egg every 4 days. As they mature more it gets better. My EE's usually lay an egg every day to every other day. The egg size also increases over time.
I noticed that the ones that lay will submit the minute we walk up to them. Our Black Australorps have now started the same so I would expect eggs from them soon.

I was correct. Beatrice (one of our black australorps) laid today. :) 1/7 for us today.
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