How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I'm so good at sticking my foot in my mouth. I should have clarified...

When I wrote "Holy moly...our chickens are on FIRE!!!!"

I was meaning our as in the BYC collective, not just me.
I can see how that could be taken the wrong way.
(If that is what you were responding to, mamatink7)

I'm really happy to hear the people's egg numbers going up.
I'm so good at sticking my foot in my mouth. I should have clarified...

When I wrote "Holy moly...our chickens are on FIRE!!!!"

I was meaning our as in the BYC collective, not just me.
I can see how that could be taken the wrong way.
(If that is what you were responding to, mamatink7)

I'm really happy to hear the people's egg numbers going up.
we are all seeing bigger numbers again I do not think anyone took it wrong
We are averaging 2 eggs per day from our 4 old girls. When we got them in Mid-December they weren't laying at all. They started laying eggs for us last week.

Temps: low to mid 20's at night / high 30's low 40's during day
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6/10 with 8 laying yesterday. Today I got 8 eggs of which i got 1 blue and 1 green! Highest daily count yet! Im loving my first EE eggs ever! Truth be told, 1 of the eggs was in the DUCK coop nest. So it could have been hatched yesterday as well. My only female duck is molting and hasnt laid for about 6 weeks, so i haven't been checking her nest box daily. Well any way you add them, it still totals 14 eggs in 2 days! That's a lot of omlet! Hehe

Chicken eggs 3

Duck eggs 1 Ya we goanna have waffles this weekend !!!

Temp Low 60's clear skys and a solid soft wind but chilly night and what a great moon ..
Enjoy a waffle for me too! My dad had to have a mesh filter put in because he has blood clots in both legs and can't tolerate the blood thinners. He survived the surgery and is back at the assisted living apartment with Mom. I hope this helps him feel better & maybe even breathe better.

4 eggs today (Thursday). Expecting an Ice/sleet storm this weekend. MoDot is already asking people not to drive! There were barely any semi's on the highways tonight. I thought we had milk at my mom's ( I came out to continue cleaning & packing during the ice storm) but now that I am here, I see that we don't have any. I hope I wake up in time to get out & buy some tomorrow ( & that I can find a store that actually still has some in stock!)

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