How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

That's what happened with the keys to the vehicle my brother was/is getting from my parents. Before my Dad died he said that my brother, Kirk, is suppose to get their Traverse. Kirk lives in Arkansas, the traverse is in Missouri. So the plan has been that I will park it on my property until he can get a ride up her to get it. Otherwise, he always has 2 vehicles to drive back. Anyway, at my dad's burial I gave my oldest brother the house key from off of that key ring so he could turn it over at the closing of the house (because it had sold). A couple of weeks later I needed to move the traverse so I could cut the grass in that area. I looked all over the place for those keys. Couldn't find them anywhere! I borrowed an extra set from my mom and got a new key made ($60 because it is a chipped key). About 4 or 5 days after I had the new key made, I found the missing keys.:confused: I knew they would turn up eventually, but I didn't want to give my brother the vehicle with only 1 set of keys since my dad left him 2 sets. Now he gets 3 sets!
oh good grief what a pain in the tush... when Ma was in the nursing home and could not drive anymore my x brother in law asked to buy her car for his girlfriend a ford taurus agreed on a price he was making payments then he quit when Ma passed really surprised me not sure why he did
21for 24
5 chicks so far. 3 of the 5 eggs left are pipped but Im so sad right now. :(
One of the 5 is black and momma has decided it needs to peeked to death.
So I took it out and put it in a box by it self. What makes it really bad is momma is near by tending to others and it want's to go there Bad! :hit

This is a edit!
I went out to check on the lill maran chick and it found the water while I was out there!
So its drinking save a chick water and pecking at the food.
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oh good grief what a pain in the tush... when Ma was in the nursing home and could not drive anymore my x brother in law asked to buy her car for his girlfriend a ford taurus agreed on a price he was making payments then he quit when Ma passed really surprised me not sure why he did
I wonder if he felt like he just didn't have to pay any more since she passed.?? I don't know. People are odd.

21for 24
5 chicks so far. 3 of the 5 eggs left are pipped but Im so sad right now. :(
One of the 5 is black and momma has decided it needs to peeked to death.
So I took it out and put it in a box by it self. What makes it really bad is momma is near by tending to others and it want's to go there Bad! :hit

This is a edit!
I went out to check on the lill maran chick and it found the water while I was out there!
So its drinking save a chick water and pecking at the food.

I am so glad to hear that you have 5 chicks + more on the way!! It's a shame Momma doesn't like the little Maran chick. I had something similar happen, only it was the yellow chick that wasn't accepted. It is a curious thing how the chicken mind works. Why did she reject that specific chick?? I guess we'll never know. I wonder if any of your pipped & zipping chicks will also be black? And will they be accepted or rejected? I wonder if you can try to slip the rejected chick back under Momma in the dark of night and if she would accept it or reject it again??

15 eggs today.
9 here but have a guest chicken that is other half saw it at the front gate by the garages this morning he thought it one of ours as I do have two black sex link and I believe this one is a cockerel 008.jpg
hi I have three girls who are two years old. Well fed, lots of freedom, happy healthy. We live in New England so this winter they hardlyblaid at all. Last winter they laid all season. But now it's nearly June and I am getting maybe one egg a day! I got three tiny little eggs like the size of a robins egg over the winter. Is somethig wrong?? I was told to get a rooster

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