How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I am sitting at 12 main and 1 from silky, The silky got acorn squash gut's and the leftover squash is going to the three marans by them selves in the grow out coop
They are young. Oldest is a year youngest 6 months or so. There are other factors that are weighing in. The big EE is molting so I dont expect her to lay. They were terrorized by a mink a couple of weeks ago (dealt with that) and they had only been with me a week before that. So between the move and the predator I knew that would stop them laying for a bit. I'm just hoping i dont have to wait until spring. And two are bantams and one is a svart hona. I dont know what to expect from them as I've only had production reds before :confused: the person I bought them from told me the colour eggs they all lay so I assuming they were laying previous to my owning them
So between the move and the predator I knew that would stop them laying for a bit. I'm just hoping i dont have to wait until spring. And two are bantams and one is a svart hona. I dont know what to expect from them as I've only had production reds before :confused:
Awww the poor things! Hopefully you'll get an egg soon - although I imagine the days are pretty short already for you so may be after the solstice now :confused: Welcome to the thread btw :frow
I have 7 hens they are about 6 months old I usually get 6 eggs sometimes 7
That is fab :thumbsup
I got 9/9:celebrate I also took in 5 18 month olds from my mother's mother, they are molting though so no eggs from them yet

I had 5/6 but one was another fairy fart egg - getting a bit worried tbh as I've probably had about 8 of them over the last month or so. I hope there isn't a problem with one of my girls - if there is I'm thinking one of the 'layers' (red or black).
They are young. Oldest is a year youngest 6 months or so. There are other factors that are weighing in. The big EE is molting so I dont expect her to lay. They were terrorized by a mink a couple of weeks ago (dealt with that) and they had only been with me a week before that. So between the move and the predator I knew that would stop them laying for a bit. I'm just hoping i dont have to wait until spring. And two are bantams and one is a svart hona. I dont know what to expect from them as I've only had production reds before :confused: the person I bought them from told me the colour eggs they all lay so I assuming they were laying previous to my owning them

Many of us can tell what color eggs a bird will lay based on parentage :ya
Many of us can tell what color eggs a bird will lay based on parentage :ya

hmm..well the person I bought them off of had bred them herself so perhaps they aren't laying...maybe I will have a long wait :barnieone is a black bantam orp, a bantam barred EE and then the big EE..but she is the molting one. the bigun is a year old. I think the other pullets are about 6 months old :jumpy:jumpy

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