How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

The Orp will lay brown, the EE's likely green, possibly blue but COULD lay brown. Depends on how many Blue egg genes are in the parents

2 today - the Barred Rock pullets.
I was told they would lay blue. So with the brown from the orp and the beige from the svart hona I should get some pretty eggs..I can hardly wait...
I guess that would depend on if it is a little peewee pullet egg or a massive "Zorra super XL JUMBO" egg.

Zorra is my 6.5 Y/O Black Australorp. When she was younger she decided to aim high. She laid a few eggs in the 116g range. 58g is the low end of USDA Large.
Just a medium sized mean dominicker egg like usual. My jumbo layer is a pincushion at the moment.:)
I guess that would depend on if it is a little peewee pullet egg or a massive "Zorra super XL JUMBO" egg.

Zorra is my 6.5 Y/O Black Australorp. When she was younger she decided to aim high. She laid a few eggs in the 116g range. 58g is the low end of USDA Large.
Oh hey we have oppisites! The only good feathers in mine are on her neck. Wings, back, butt, belly are all just pins.:)
Zorra actually looks like a pincushion! At least her neck does. She is having a weird moult. Hasn't lost any body or wing feathers near as I can tell but her entire neck is covered with pin feathers.

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