How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

12 eggs out of 18 hens. All 4 leghorn eggs were good! First time since I got them that’s happened.

Buffy still didn’t lay. July 4 is the last day I know she laid for sure. I have only 2 blue egg EEs and that’s the last day I got 2 blue eggs. Of course she and Cinders could have been switching off a few times but I don’t know as their eggs are pretty identical looking.

Buffy is now in the chicken shack nest box. It’s in the run but a separate structure so she’s got lots of peace to lay if she does. I SO want to peek but not doing it in case I disturb her. The suspense is killing me - lol!
For awhile now I've been getting 4 eggs from my 6 layers...two have been molting FOREVER it seems! Ready for all 6 to start laying again...and for those pullets to get to laying age...6 more weeks! On another note, one of my friends got this egg apron for me. I posted the pic on FB last night saying it should be the new wave of "pregnancy belly pics". That's what all the girls my daughter's age are doing when they can barely see their toes from the baby bump. :lau Of course my daughter (and momma to my 2 grandbabies) rolled her eyes at me. Mission accomplished!

egg apron.jpg
18, from 6 laying hens! Just 1 in a nest box, but 17 scattered around the garden! :th And only 1 was bad :bow. I suspected a hidden nest, but did not expect to find 3 of them...especially one holding 11 eggs :eek:
I thought I had it bad a couple of years ago when one of my girls started laying out. Went through 5 nests before I gave up and let her keep one, at least it was easy to get to.

Of course my daughter (and momma to my 2 grandbabies) rolled her eyes at me. Mission accomplished!
:yesss: It is our sworn duty as parents to make jokes that get an eye roll from our kids :lol:
Went through 5 nests before I gave up and let her keep one, at least it was easy to get to.
ha ha! :gig Not sure as yet that I have found all that exist here; they were well hidden, and I don't think I'd have found the big one had there not been another nearby, which pulled me in to that particular thicket :barnieI'm hoping they go back to using the nesting boxes now that two (more!) recent broodies have been broken, so stopped hogging them and hissing at any who dare to enter...:smack
One good thing about my run is that they have nowhere to hid eggs.

14 today which included 3 lovely leghorn eggs - I think Cruella took the day off.

Also....drum roll please!....
Buffy laid a perfectly lovely blue egg. Lovely is my word of the day - lol!
Two of the three Leghorns started laying three days ago. The one at the top of the pic is the first, then yesterday the two below that, then the bottom two today. The last egg on the bottom is a store bought large egg for comparison. They are on the small side (except for the double-yolker) but I’m sure they will get bigger soon. It’s good to finally have home grown eggs again!

Now I just need my last Leghorn, three Speckled Sussex, one EE and one Production Blue pullets to stop freeloading and lay some eggs.
5, one unusable as it was "toenailed". I REALLY wish I knew why one of the hens is all of a sudden burying eggs in the shavings. I suspect the pierced one had been buried and another hen got in the nest and punctured it. There were 3 in that nest.
5, one unusable as it was "toenailed". I REALLY wish I knew why one of the hens is all of a sudden burying eggs in the shavings. I suspect the pierced one had been buried and another hen got in the nest and punctured it. There were 3 in that nest.
Can you explain to me how the toenail Thing works? The hen lays the egg, the egg is still a little soft and another hen immediately comes in and steps on it or pecks it to move it? Or the fresh laid egg shell is hard but the toenail going into it makes a small hole that doesn’t crack or open the egg up?

As you can tell I have no knowledge or experience with this ... yet!

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