How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

0 for today, but the dogs seem to have had a decent run of it. I cooked up 2 dozen from the porch box yesterday for the chooks. Since then the porch nest is unused. I had one MIA at bedtime and she screeched at me while dustbathing so I need to find that nest and destroy it and toss broodzilla in jail. I only let her go free as she wasn't doing the ticking timebomb thing.
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We got our FIRST egg yesterday!! So exciting!!

CONGRATULATIONS! I remember Wednesday, Sept 2 2020 fondly for the same reason. We started with two this AM, same breed - I've been getting one (almost) each day of that kind previously. Yesterday started with two (different breed) eggs, and reached five eggs by the end.

Won't be long now, and all your girls will be laying! How large is your flock?

/edit add another egg, this one in a nesting box, different breed than the first two eggs of the morning. Maybe it will be another 5 egg day????

/further edit Just retrieved two more, from different nesting boxes. That makes 5, a tie with yesterday, the best ever for us.

Will it be six? Its rather late in the day.

/final edit We had a 6th egg, very late in the evening, found it just before I came in for dinner. Speckled brown. Didn't think I had any speckled brown layers...
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5 today. One’s a double yolk from a pullet, and another from the hen that’s been having shelless and soft eggs, but this one is solid and huge, though it’s a single yolk. Here it is next to a grocery store egg.

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