How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I did the best I could with this picture. These are my bantam Cochins. What’s up with this little guy’s wing feathers? Is that the sign of a frizzle? They stick out like he’s about to take flight! 😂View attachment 2820059
Bring him in bright lite black winds cannot see them
The blazing sun is as bright as I can get. It’s so obvious in person but pics are a real pain! As someone said in an old post from another thread, it looks like he was dunked in water then held out the window of a car facing backwards doing 80!🤣


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The blazing sun is as bright as I can get. It’s so obvious in person but pics are a real pain! As someone said in an old post from another thread, it looks like he was dunked in water then held out the window of a car facing backwards doing 80!🤣
I had a Wyandotte whose wings looked similar as a chick. Maybe... not quite as pronounced. 🤔
But she grew out of it. Her feathers look a little wonky when she's getting ready to molt, but other than that her wings look normal. :)
8 today. So Winn Dixie sold out of eggs which just made me a popular guy. I’m guessing more than just Winn Dixie but they are the one I know ran out. Now I need all my girls to lay. Italics won’t turn off. Oh well…
I had to cull my young rooster today. A few days ago he cornered my daughter but just scared her. That got me watching him. Today he jumped on my son’s back and scratched him up pretty good. His dad is the best rooster ever but that apple apparently fell and rolled way away from the tree. I won’t stand for such behavior. It’s an easy choice when my family is involved or any human being for that matter.

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