How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I got 9 today! Coco laid another ā€œalmostā€ egg, and actually got it in the nest box this afternoon. The shell is more like a ā€œcrystallized sugar crustā€. Extremely fragile and hard to handle without destroying.

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Do you put oyster for the birds or cook down you eggs shells you use bake 350, 25 minutes crushed feed them back to the birds
Do you put oyster for the birds or cook down you eggs shells you use bake 350, 25 minutes crushed feed them back to the birds
Yes they have free choice oyster shell available at all times, And about once a week I give them back their egg shells. They are also on Hearty Hen 18% layer pellets with around 3.7-3.9% calcium. Several of my others that are laying had a soft one or two at the beginning. But if her third one is also like this I will give calcium citrate until she lays a normal one.

Just for fun here is a pic of my eggshell ā€œconfettiā€ I plan to put out tomorrow.


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