How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

i havent gotten any eggs since the end of summer:( i use layer feed is this bad?
No. But you might try increasing their protein or add light if you really need the eggs. Otherwise, stoppage is normal this time of year. Might be related to their age, too. They'll start up again soon enough.
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I've gotten 1 egg each of the past 3 days. :(
We haven't needed to eat any store eggs this week. :)
I had to rearrange some things in the coop, which will be stressful, I'm sure, leading to fewer eggs in the next couple days. :(
Today and tomorrow are going to be bright and sunny, hopefully leading to more eggs in the near future. :)
Got 8 so far today! The most I've gotten in any single day, since they first started laying 2 weeks ago. We've cooked a dozen, gave away a dozen, and have over 2 dozen in the fridge. Pretty soon I'll have more eggs than I'll know what to do with. LOL


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Got 8 so far today! The most I've gotten in any single day, since they first started laying 2 weeks ago. We've cooked a dozen, gave away a dozen, and have over 2 dozen in the fridge. Pretty soon I'll have more eggs than I'll know what to do with. LOL
Sell them! My chickens pay for their feed now. People are scrambling (no pun intended) for cheaper eggs. I have more customers than I have eggs. I keep having to turn folks away. And yes, I do give them away to friends and family.

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