How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

16/21 today. I think all but 2 girls are laying... they just haven't all laid on the same day yet. Hoping that will happen soon. But the girls are still on the young side (26 weeks yesterday)
26 again today from our 30 Gold Comets!!! That's 3 days in a row now. I just came in from watching ChickenTV and letting them free-range for an hour before they all went back in for the night. I think it's one of the most relaxing things to do is to just sit out there and watch them run around chasing bugs and each other. A cold beer and 30 Gals! It don't get no better than that!!!
The young girls sprang into action today. Instead of three eggs, there were seven! There was a whole lot of cackling going on, plus it must fascinate some of them since they stand by the nest staring for long periods of time. I hung a piece of black cotton fabric, torn into five strips and that seemed to be a popular nest by those wanting a darker and less public place.

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