How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

7/16 for 4 days in a row....tomorrow I'm getting out my old PomPom's to cheer them on for the 8th!
26 again from our 30 Gold Comets!!! We went out tonight and scrubbed down their coop and replaced the litter, etc. We had a lot of mold starting to accumulate inside the coop. I added two new sets of larger louvers for more ventilation so I'm hoping that helps. We used bleach water and scrub brushes and things were looking pretty good when the Gals went back inside. We were having a hard time with a couple of the Youngsters who lay late in the day because they wanted to go in the nesting box but couldn't. I'm not sure what they did but we didn't find any eggs out in the yard they layed.
5/6 sex links Dolly turned out to be the slacker...she is Alpha hen and spent part of the day in Jail...she was attacking Violet each time she tried to get in a nesting box.

1/5 Buff Orpingtons....our first from this group! Violet nearly drove us crazy today...wanted to lay on the shelf above the nesting boxes!

0/3 EE' egg today from Ladyhawk

I'm thinking BR's will be next to start laying...have one that is in and out of the nest boxes, red face/comb, and doing the squat OFTEN!
I have two hens. The ameracauna isn't laying yet, she's too young. The other is an EE of some sort I have yet to determine. She lays me one green egg a day like clockwork. Im very proud of her. And looking forward to getting eggs from minnie. She needs to become maternal, the rooster is the only one who can dominate her. Just wanted to brag.

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