How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4 out of 5 consistently....but I noticed today that my BO's comb and wattles are getting much bigger and redder....hopefully soon they will be 5 for 5!
Still just 2 out of 7. Anyone have any tips? I think only my 6 month old RIRS are laying. The rest aren't.
I have 2 older RIRS I traded in from a farmer that have some diarhea and perhaps one is molting or recovering from roosters. 1 older leghorn the farmer swears was laying for her regularly. And then 2 other 8 months old chickens, one Light Brahma and one Americauna, neither have laid.
1/24 Haha! We only have one hen laying, 3 are getting close and the rest are babies. I'm still happy when I collect that one egg each morning though!!!
1/5 today! Got my second egg from my Dark Brahma today
she started laying Saturday and I think she will be an egg every other day type of layer which is totally fine! Waiting on 4 others to start all between 22-26 weeks old

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