How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I got 3 yesterday, 1 so far today. I have a flock of 14 layers, (3 Anconas, 3 Buff Orps, 2 SLW, 3 Ameraucanas and 3 Spangled Russian Orloffs). They turned twenty weeks at the beginning of January and we started getting 1 egg a day about a week ago. So now we've got 3 laying. Hoping to see more and more each day.
I think for some reason, today my birds all laid twice. I normally get about 30 to 38 per day and today I got around 55! Out of 65 hens. I think I must of kept the girls up too late last night or something, they think it's middle of summer now.
first day getting 7 eggs

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