How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

5/6 today but I have a question, one of the 5 was so paper thin it was busted before it hit the nest. all the hens are offered oyster shells and their own shells daily and eat real good. what would have caused it to be so terrible?? is she just not eating the shell hardeners or could she have a problem I didn't know was there. I'll also say I have one that hasn't layed an egg in a month! but not sure which hen it is.... they all lay brown eggs so it isn't easy to tell.
It happens in the shell making process sometimes. Just keep putting calcium or oyster shell out and I've have them on occasion lay a soft shell the the next day be right back to normal
9/10 today! not bad
4 out of 4 hens! Yay

Lol and yesterday we got this weird egg that was totally strong and good to eat but it was all warped, sort of lopsided like it had been smashed. The chicken is healthy and everything, I guess those weird eggs just happen sometimes!

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