How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

3/15 so far

Have a question. I have an ameraucana laying her egg at midnight and beyond. What is with this chicken? They lay eggs that late?
I don't use an egg cleaner, but I also don't wash or refrigerate my eggs either. If the eggs are really dirty, I wipe them off as best as possible and will wash them just before usage.
how long do you keep your eggs before you use them and how do you keep from using the new ones so your older ones don't go bad?
5 eggs from 9 hens, but the new layer hasn't laid yet, even though she has been in & out of the nest box all day.
I don't wash my eggs either. I know the older eggs are in the carton on the bottom of the refrigerator!
We got 1/1 today. Can't wait until our other 4 girls start laying, I'm thinking at least 3 of them should be in the next few weeks but in the meantime I am so proud of our Black Australorp Penguin who is now 4 for 6 days so far!! When we first got our chickens my 8 year old son and I were researching them and we were both very impressed by the Australorp mentioned on Wiki who laid 364 eggs in 365 days!! That's impressive but if we even get half that from our Penguin we will be pleased!! :)
I got 5 eggs this morning...they were all 5 white...I only have 4 chickens that lay white eggs. And only 5 that are laying, my SLW just started laying cute little brown pullet eggs and these were all full size. It is a mystery!

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