How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

5 eggs from 10 hens.....but mitigating factor....yesterday a fox (or coyote) killed 11 of my 21 birds.  So, just getting one egg would have been impressive.

I'm sorry for the loss of your birds and the stress for the remaining birds and for you. I hope you get that predator. The last few months I've lost 5 hens to predators. I've caught a bobcat and an opossum during this time. There is still a predator because I've lost a hen since I caught the last predator. Traps are still set.

I got 22 eggs today.
5 brown
3 blue
2 white
1 cream pullet egg (I have no idea who laid this, my 2 pullets should be blue egg layers, even though I've only seen one lay)

Yesterday, I thought one of my White Leghorns laid a tiny egg, but today I got 2 normal Leghorn eggs and found another one of these mini eggs up on the poop board under the roost. And it is actually cream/light brown not white, so was the one yesterday. I have one pullet that I have not seen lay her egg, the other one lays a blue egg. This pullet should be a blue egg layer, but maybe she isn't.......I will solve this mystery!

Today was my first four egg day!!!!


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