How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I love this idea.
Thanks. Well, I did put the light in there. It's one my daughter gave me for winter months if I didn't get out in the sun. It's one that mimics(?) the sun. Then next day (yesterday) we got 10 eggs! They seem to like having the extra light at night. I turn it off around 9-9:30pm.
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Help... I have 20 hens 2 roosters and in the last 5 days the egg numbers have dwindled drastically. I usually get 13-17 a day. Today was 2....yesterday was 4. What's going on. It's cold here yes but they have a decently warm coop, uvb lighting on a timer, food hasn't changed and water is checked on multiple times a day. What happened?
Help... I have 20 hens 2 roosters and in the last 5 days the egg numbers have dwindled drastically. I usually get 13-17 a day. Today was 2....yesterday was 4. What's going on. It's cold here yes but they have a decently warm coop, uvb lighting on a timer, food hasn't changed and water is checked on multiple times a day. What happened?
Anybody molting? How old are they?
They are 10months old. Not that I can see. A few feathers here and there mostly from the roosters getting to them but nothing drastic and no balding spots
They shouldn't be moulting at 10 months, this is their first adult winter. How many hours of light do they have per day? That is the key to winter laying, not temperature.

Any signs of egg fragments? How secure is the coop? How close are you to other homes and how secure is the yard? I hate to suggest it but there have been some people who lost eggs to 2 legged "predators".

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