How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

7 today. I found the perfect egg basket in a thrift store last week.
Yesterday was 6 but 2 of them I am not sure who laid. I have 3 blue egg layers and they are all very similar and all new layers so they're all small. And then the other one was 2 toned and small. But my Russian Orloff lays a smaller sized egg in one of the 2 tones and I have a RIR that either laid this egg as her first or is about to start and hers will likely be the other of the 2 tones. I was really hoping the other would lay on the same day to clear it up.
I have a spreadsheet to track who lays each day because I like knowing who my best layers are and who is on break and stuff but with these 3 blue egg layers all looking the same, it's probably going to get muddled. I have to decide which is stronger, my Type A OCD spreadsheet loving side or my obsessive need to be accurate giving up because without a coop cam there's no way to know for sure. LOL!! STay tuned!!!!

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