How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

You know next year I will be here saying one or two a day..... So, I will enjoy my bounty this year :celebrate Thank you
How old are your pullets? I had the same idea but my new pullets are not producing like I hoped. And to top it all off, you’re in IL and I’m down here in the Deep South wondering what’s up with my chickens. I have 3 EEs that I hatched in April. They all laid back in late summer but since then just shut down like my older girls.
How old are your pullets? I had the same idea but my new pullets are not producing like I hoped. And to top it all off, you’re in IL and I’m down here in the Deep South wondering what’s up with my chickens. I have 3 EEs that I hatched in April. They all laid back in late summer but since then just shut down like my older girls.
11 of them are 7months. The Australorps are around 5 months. My EE and Maran lay every other day. I know 2 of my Australorps lay eggs one layed one egg went broody the next day. She takes everyones eggs and pecks at me when I collect them. She is just about broke now.
I do not do lighting but the coop/run is always open. This way they don't wait for me to get outside. They do come out about 6:30 am getting a faint morning light.
Part of the run doesn't have a roof but netting. I was hoping this would help in the shorter day light( to get as much direct lighting).
I also have chickens that lay a large amount. I did research on breeds dual purpose , that layed large eggs. The Ee, and Maran were just down right cuties and an extra buy. 😁 The barred rocks the store sold to me as Australorps. That is why the age difference there.

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