How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Here's ours!

The little white egg is our Silver Grey Dorking's first egg, and the blue-green is our white EE's first. The others are from our black, brown and red sexlinks who have been laying for a week, and we are not sure who laid the really light brown egg.


Edited because the information was right, but I edited it incorrectly only to fix it again. I need more coffee, apparently.
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I got 3 today, from only 3 girls laying. I have 6 others that could start at any time and one of them was baGAWKing in the pop door of the coop when I got home. Fingers crossed!
We had our most ever on Saturday; 29 eggs out of 39 pullets. We had been getting over 26 a day for a couple of weeks before that.

Then almost like someone turned off a light switch I only got 14 yesterday and 12 today. What gives? Can't be the heat because the temps are just as high as they have been for two months....

I did switch back to the Dumor 16% from the Nutrena can't be the food, can it?????
Two eggs today from six hens.. I have two EE who arent laying yet. Is it just me or is it just toooo much fun finding these eggs everyday? lol
Our highest count was 10 in one day - today it was 8. Which has been a pretty typical number lately. Not everyone is laying though. One day we should be collecting over a dozen a day - which takes into consideration for not everyone laying every day.
I keep getting 2 eggs from 1 hen!! How is she doing that? I know they are hers cause she is penned alone since she doesn't get along with anyone. I collect EVERY DAY.

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