How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

11/23 down a little from the past four days, but yesterday was miserable and rainy so they stayed in the coop all day, this just threw them off a little. They got a treat today, an extra hour of play time outside in the yard.

I haven't posted for a while, but I have been getting about a dozen a day. Today I got 13 so it is a good day. Not sure how many of my 28 hens are laying. I do know that 3 of my 4 EEs are laying because I have gotten 1 ugly olive green egg, one beautiful blue egg, and the usual pretty green egg. One of my black Sex Links lays huge dark brown double yolk eggs. I think all 6 of my golden comets are laying now.
6 from ladies love me. Cold weather is just starting so it might drop....2 from 2 on the ducks....hens and duck are pretty consistant so all the nieghbors get free eggs.
We got seven eggs from our fifteen assorted standard hens, a usual amount==slackers still undiscovered. Thinking of the lipstick test to figure out who are earning their keep and who are the party girls. We found four eggs today from our five new Silkies. Better average from the newbies! ~G
We had been getting 4/4 but yesterday and today is 3/4. Even back when we had 4/4, someone was laying later than everyone else. Still not sure who it is. But we've got a couple dozen eggs in the fridge and we're past sunday for another week. That's when we do big breakfasts.

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