How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

14/16 today
Well, if you want chickens for eggs get the best egg layers you can get. If you want pretty, exotic chickens the get yourselves some Silkies or Polish, etc. For me we have 30 Gold Comets (Red Sex Links) and since the first 6 we got started laying we've gotten 90-100% or so year round. Even through last winter from Nov 1st until late Feb we regularly got no less than 14 eggs a day from our 19 GC's and the 14 came on the worst and coldest wet days. Normally we got 16 to 18 a day from them and they were all extra large brown eggs too. At the moment we still may have some of our original 6 still going thru molt. Plus the 11 new Youngsters we added in May are just starting to ramp up. We got them as started pullets at 18 weeks old in early May and they've been laying for the past month regularly but until the past week or so they have been laying smallish bantam-sized eggs. Now they're mostly laying medium to large eggs. We've been getting 23 to 25 eggs every day lately with day we got 26. I suspect within the next couple of weeks or so we'll be up around 28 or 29 full sized eggs a day which as Martha would say: 'Now that's a really good thing...'
So, if you want eggs, get yourself some Gold Comets. I'd like to try the Black Sex Links but Shooks hasn't had them this year so when we bought we got the 11 GC's.

ps: I forgot to meniton that our GC's never seem to be broody. They'll lay their egg and hop up from the nest and head for the feeder and another one has already taken her place. How in the world they reproduce is beyond me. We have been thinking about getting a GC rooster but we haven't found one yet. Mainly I'd like one to keep the mean old biddies in line and stop the pecking order thats been going on for weeks now.
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Our pullets, who are right around 5 months old, finally started laying this week. First we got a little very dark egg, and a couple of days later a little dark egg and a little light egg. My husband saw the first egg laid by Charlotte, who we figured was the oldest and a welsumer. We don't know who laid the next one but we are guessing it was a black star. Today we got three little eggs plus the three that our hens lay. Woo hoo!
Two eggs today!!

Our RSL Dolly began laying the 14th the day she was 16 wks old, there has been an egg every day there were two so she has been joined by another of the RSL's...wish I knew which one since there have been 2 in and out of the nest boxes for the last 3 days singing their heads off. The shavings were all raked out; someone had done a LOT of rearranging.
I got one up from last couple day's got 3 today lol.I know I got an OEGB today it was hot off the grill so to speak she was in nest box today.
.I know I'm complaining now but baaaaa when all these birds and duck's do start laying

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