How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

8/15...that's 2 better than yesterday!
We got 24 yesterday from our 29 GC's but I broke one when I was cleaning them to put into cartons
so I wasn't able to make up two dozen to bring in to work with me this morning. I've got a couple of Gals that have been laying eggs without shells or very fragile shells altogether. We use layer pellets fortified with calcium but that doesn't seem to work. I've tried in the past putting out a small bowl of crushed oyster shells but they just seem to ignore them. Anyone have any suggestions?
I have a bowl with grit, oyster shell and their recycled shells combined in the coop.....I toss scraps in there and then they pick at everything. My girls have been laying for about a month and I have yet to have a problem with a thin shell. (knock on wood)

Today I got 8/12....been getting 11/12 but apparently the one girl not laying had a talk with the other three.

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