How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?



Done alot of chicken selling over the weekend and now my hens are down in numbers. Will be coming bac kup shortly though, got some young ones that shuld sart laying in about a month or so.
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40/42 Turned off lights in the AM and they stopped laying on a consistent basis. Reset the lights to go on again at 6am off at 8. We will see what happens in the next week.
This warm weather is throwing me for a loop. Coop is getting hot.

Right now I have 4 laying hens. Only 2 are laying and I only get 1 egg a day with 2 days of no egg. They've been on a 6am - 8pm light cycle for 3 weeks now and the hens have been here for 2 months. I think it's time for my non-layers to turn into dinner. They're costing more than they're worth.

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