How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

yesterday 34 out of 55
today 40 out of 55
Man you got alot of chickens!
well we are off and running... so to speak. We got 3 eggs for the first time out of 5 hens. was so exciting, just like christmas!
7/8 today so far, looks like Snow is taking the day off. We only had two days where one of the girls took a day off all week!! Wow I thought witht the shorter days and cooler nights they might slow up a bit, but they are pretty new to laying......On Fire!!!

**update** make that 8/7...found another egg, weird though it is for sure not snow? so somebody layed twice??
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TWO! And I'm also equally excited as the day I got my first!

I have a Buff Orpington and Welsummer that are just about to be 27 weeks old, an EE who is 26 weeks old, and a Black Australorp, Rhode Island Red and White Plymouth Rock that are just about to be 22 weeks old (well, the White Rock turned out to be a roo, which is another story I love).

Anyhow, my EE started laying four weeks ago, and I've been frustrated that no one else followed suit! Try as I might to be patient, because I know each hen starts laying at different times, it's been tough to read threads about people with hens laying at 19-20 weeks.

So, I came home briefly at lunch and was sitting in my office when I hear what was clearly a very loud "egg song!" I've never heard Neko, the EE, sing about an egg, so I jumped up and looked out the window and Patty, the BO, was walking around the yard singing! I hauled *** outside and watched her sit in a corner of the yard, looking as if to lay!! I was pumped! I went back inside to watch her from a window, when no sooner did she start bok-bok-bok-bok-BKAAAWKing around the yard again. So, for fear of unsettling her, I ran back out and scooped her up and put her in the coop. Fortunately, everyone else followed us in the run, so I was able to lock everyone else in with her, vs. just hoping she'd stay in and learn where the nesting boxes are. Unfortunately, I had to get back to the office, so I left and hoped for the best!

I got home around 7pm this evening, and was sad to see an empty next box (I'd already collected the EE egg earlier in the day). But then I went into the run and saw my first brown egg sitting next to the waterer!!!!!!!! Needless to say, I picked her up and gave her some mad love!!!!

Now I just hope she figures out where the nesting box is!!

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