How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Mama Cayuga got very sneaky on me. I started only getting 5 eggs and I could tell hers was missing due to the color difference but I looked all over and couldn’t find it. I started to think she had stopped laying again due to age. I went to refill the oyster shells and she had been somehow squeezing her fat butt under the bin and hiding her eggs there, buried in the bedding. Only place I didn’t look because I didn’t think she could fit. Maybe she rolled them under? My drake was pissed when I found them. I found 5!
I'm glad someone elses drake likes the eggs. Mine is crazy for them
Oh yes he is protective of the eggs this spring. And I know that they are trying to trick me into not finding all the eggs. They lay 2-3 out in the open as decoy nest and then try and hide the rest. I feel kind of bad about it but I 100% don’t want them hatching ducklings and risk getting a male who would I would have to deal with.
My hens on on a run...... 10 days 100% production from 6 hens. Is this normal? Should I expect this on a regular basis? I purchased several breeds and only 1 hen was known for daily production. So I am pleasantly surprised. I am new to having chickens (obviously) and purchased these chicks last September. I feed them a 22% protein layer and meat bird variety of food as several of our hens are dual purpose breeds. Thanks for any advice or insight!
My hens on on a run...... 10 days 100% production from 6 hens. Is this normal? Should I expect this on a regular basis? I purchased several breeds and only 1 hen was known for daily production. So I am pleasantly surprised. I am new to having chickens (obviously) and purchased these chicks last September. I feed them a 22% protein layer and meat bird variety of food as several of our hens are dual purpose breeds. Thanks for any advice or insight!
They go at it when they are young. Age will slow them down but enjoy your eggs.

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