How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I followed one of my turkey girls way out into Forest Service under a fallen tree (one of the many since they take SUCH good care of it 🙄) and found her nest with seven eggs. I took them and the rest of the turkey eggs I collected today and gave them to a turkey hen who always seems to be in the chickens' collective nest box. (They do have other boxes.) Second hen hopped out and whether she's come back yet or not I don't know. Last time I peeked there was a Black Australorp (who's never shown any inclination toward broodiness) trying unsuccessfully to cover them. Hopefully the turkey hen will come back soon--or else I guess they'll have to go in the pantry. 🤷‍♀️

I had second thoughts concerning the goose egg I collected this morning and put it back in their nest. The ones I put in the incubator (all of them!) are developing, so maybe they'll want to incubate some of their own now that I know they're fertile.
My white Muscovy has laid an egg every day for the past 5 days. They are beautiful eggs, nice and smooth with perfectly thick shells. My pied Muscovy can’t be far off from starting. She started first last year, and she’s looking just as healthy and ready to roll as her sister.

Daphne... well, I hope she doesn’t bother this year. I haven’t been able to get a new bottle of calcium gluconate yet, and I expect her laying issues to only worsen as she ages. I know, thanks to Miss Lydia, that my Muscovies will likely lay for many years, but I don’t expect much from my 4 year-old Rouen! I’d rather she just go through henopause now, rather than trying to lay and having it kill her.

At any rate, the total for today was once again 1 duck egg :)
Five eggs and Five ducklings.

43iy9y8y 001.JPG 43iy9y8y 008.JPG ducklings 002.JPG
yesterday 6 ducks 4 chicken!

@MasterOfClucker We need to modify this thread and add how many ducklings did you get today! :love

I have three eggs left in the incubator, two look like late quitters there is one that was shadowing last night, so I'm guessing He'll hatch in a couple of days or so. I did add some eggs to the bator a few days after I started incubation so I'm assuming this is the one.

Edit- I see now what you were trying to say, You definitely need to do that!
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