How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

1 duck egg from 13 ducks. 13 hens and not one egg :hmm Going to be a long winter lol
Our young flock of four Isa Brown hens and eight ducks who are all first time layers I think are doing outstanding. The last three day have products ten eggs each day, four chicken eggs and six duck, once every so often a double yoker from each. :celebrate
I only have 2 female duck that are young just 18 months old all my others are 4 yrs up to 12 so getting eggs for my older ones is a surprise. My only hen that’s laying is in her 2nd year all the rest are 4 yrs up to 8. We actually run a retirement home. Just kidding but it sure seems that way.
@416bigbore thank you. I love my birds and will keep them as long as they want to stay. I just hated to buy eggs though. lol

But really don't want to add new in the foreseeable future until some of my oldest go on. So I guess I'll be buying eggs for a while. :)
Not that I know of anyway. No signs out, we don't have close neighbors. When I was considering getting some chicks this past spring couldn't even find any that weren't close to 100 miles one way. I have an 11 yr old rooster that I don't want to add another rooster to he has a tiny OEGB roo that he tolerates. So guess for now just same ole same ole. lol I really don't mind as long as everyone is happy and healthy. I honestly didn't get into this for eggs, that was just a side blessing.

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