How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Days are short, dark by 5pm now, ugh I hate it! The past week, 1 to 3 eggs per day, then yesterday I got a baker's dozen! This morning, 1 big fat egg lol. I have 1 hen that's an afternoon layer so maybe later egg #2. I have a few senior hens that do not lay anymore, but I love their companionship. I do not turn lights on in the coop, they worked hard laying eggs all spring & summer, they deserve a break, plus they're still molting. I'd rather them spend the energy & nutrition on new feather growth. I can eat oatmeal & fruit for breakfast for awhile. Love my girls!
Sure is nice for them to have those breaks. Rest an recoup. My Runners and Buffs when nuts laying their first 18-24 months I was so relieved when they took that first break.
I know what you mean...a few times in early July I was collecting eggs 2x a day! I was like whaaaaat?! How is this possible?! Omg, slow down!
I know what you mean...a few times in early July I was collecting eggs 2x a day! I was like whaaaaat?! How is this possible?! Omg, slow down!
Putting egg production first over your poultries health, doesn't reflect well on being an animal lover. :(
They can be over productive I believe and that's us humans fault. Those who produce these certain breeds for egg production don't take into consideration the life expectancy and health issues these poor females can have. It's nice when they just begin to lay more normally. Than spitting them out like a factory.

I agree 100% @416bigbore
They can be over productive I believe and that's us humans fault. Those who produce these certain breeds for egg production don't take into consideration the life expectancy and health issues these poor females can have. It's nice when they just begin to lay more normally. Than spitting them out like a factory.

I agree 100% @416bigbore
It freaked me out a bit, it was 2 youngsters in particular laying their 1st eggs, little eggs but for a few days they were laying too many. I was happy when they got into a more healthy daily routine.

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