How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

1st check 3 from 3 oldest girls. 1 later late morning that I cracked when I threw coat on floor! And one this afternoon from the youngest hen a BA . I wish they could get it together... No pun intended. But with freezing temps at least the late ones aren't frozen. Man they're eating a lot of food !!!
A lot of food is needed to produce body heat to stay warm. My ducks love to eat everything with fat or a lot of starches and french fries are on the top of the list at the moment, the ideal supper to keep a duck warm in frosty nights. Just for cold nights, no junk-food every day!
I know how my farts smell after eating duck eggs…
Mine is taking to poop eating. The belch nearly knocked me out!
Stim collar time! 🤬
Yesterday and day before I was stupid busy at work so did not collect eggs, just made sure they were watered /de pooped / and fed, got 4 eggs from 4 girls each day, so far today im 2 for 4. Waiting for Big Red and Midnight to lay, BR probably won't she's up in years and don't do as much as she used to. Midnight should, she got a snack so she owes me :p


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