How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I got 3 eggs today & yesterday but 4 the day before that.

It seems 3 of my girls (the ones that lay similar eggs) are taking turns having breaks. My Rouen mix gives me an egg everyday & the only reason I know that is because she’s the only one that lays blue.
My only pure Rouen has never laid a blue egg. Her eggs are oblong and a little bigger than the ones from the K/C .

Interesting. Of the breeds (Saxony, blue Swedish, WH & Rouen mix) I have she’s the most likely culprit. The only other one it could possibly be is my WH but I asked the breeder she came from & she said all hers lay cream coloured.

I’m not sure what my Rouen is mixed with but she looks something like a Rouen & an Appleyard.
TaDa first duck egg of 2021

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