How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Still no eggs from my 8 girls. Lots of fluffy feathers floating around coop and run. Could molting be their excuse. I don't mind feeding everyone during the freezing winter months but even nights now are not much below freezing. Is there anything I can do to encourage them. The girls are flirting with the drakes who are not interested yet either.
Still no eggs from my 8 girls. Lots of fluffy feathers floating around coop and run. Could molting be their excuse. I don't mind feeding everyone during the freezing winter months but even nights now are not much below freezing. Is there anything I can do to encourage them. The girls are flirting with the drakes who are not interested yet either.
Same for me with the molting and zero eggs. Most of my girls are less than 2 years old!

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