How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Actually last week I got 3 Scovy eggs there are 2 in that coop who could be laying don't know which is. I know it's not Ruth my 14 yr old lol
Yesterday it was Runners and Buff.

I would have never thought my Muscovy would lay this year these girls are 10 and almost 11 yrs old. They sure are something aren't they. Amazing.
I may have both Muscovies producing now. Goon 2 (pied Muscovy) has been reluctant to leave the barn the past couple of mornings. I’ve been assuming that she was the one laying, so thought she might be moving towards being broody. However, she hasn’t been chirping. This AM, she left the nest after a bit and I found an egg that is slightly smaller than the ones I’ve been finding up to this point. There were 3 eggs in that nest. I now think that she’s the last to start.

Anyways, 4 eggs found today. 3 Muscovy + 1 from Matilda. Nothing from Daphne.

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