How many eggs should I expect too get daily from my 6 chickens ?

It depends on the weather, and how much sun shine they get. My 5 girls can sometimes lay as little as 1 or no eggs, but other days I get as many as 5 eggs.
I have 2 RIRs and a barred rock. They began laying 3-4 weeks ago and was getting just an egg a day but was totally happy that I was getting anything! Then the really cold weather blew in and didn't get any until this week but still one a day until today....2 eggs! Still daylight left in the day and gonna check after sun goes down. So exciting!
I would expect 4 -6 eggs per day. My almost 1 YO RIR lays every 24 hours, the almost 3 year old RIR lays every 26 - 28 hours as does the 3 YO BR, FBCM and EE,er. I have a pullet that just started laying so I get from 6 layers, 4-6 eggs per day with a day here and there with only 3. I use a light in the coop on at 4 am and off at 6 pm, no heat, and no layer crumbles/pellets. Whole grains, oyster shell, toasted crumbled egg shell, and whatever they can dig/scratch up from the pasture!

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