How many homeschooling families do we have on BYC?

Read all this I am sure thinking that homeschooling is the way to go next year. There is only 6 weeks left this year so no need to change now.
For all of you who may not have heard - here's a great resource for Home Schoolers...

Many areas have Home School support groups. If you can find one near you and like their philosophy they are a great resource also. We have over 200 families in our group and there are literally things to do (field trips, presentation days, get togethers, etc.) almost every week of the school year. We have to pick and chose what we go to or we'd never be home to actually do school!
My mom has HSed for 17 years and loves it I would never ask to go to public school in a trillion years we are very lucky plus you don't have to go through all that crap that comes with public school HSers get just as good education
like i said I would never trade it for anything
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Wow, there are more of us than I expected! I especially enjoy hearing from you homeschooled kids/youth!

When I was applying for my permit to keep my chickens in the city, "educational purposes for my kids" was one of my main reasons. It worked!

I am very excited that homeschooling is becoming more popular and accepted. I have had full support from nearly everyone who is close to me.
Not sure if I count or not but thats been many years ago! I home schooled my oldest son starting in the second grade and my other two sons from the being. I really believe it is the best way to go.
We homeschooled for 8 years and it was a great time in our lives. My oldest was homeschooled until high school, 2nd till 3rd grade and 3rd until 1st. My two youngest have only been to public school. I returned to full time work so that's why they went to PS.

It was defenitely worth homeschooling! We still do many projects and learning experiences as a family-these chickens we're raising being one of them

My oldest is a HS junior, a National Honor Society student and on Honors. Homeschooling prepared him well for all this! We mostly used Alpha-Omega, Switched on Schoolhouse, some ABeka and one year, did The Weaver.

I'm happy with their schooling experiences, both homeschooling, and so far in public school (about 5 years now).
Also worth saying that many of us have homeschooled for a while - a couple of years, or three or five, or whatever - when it seemed like the right thing for a particular kid at a particular time.

That is, in addition to those who think it crazy OR think it the only way to go, many of us have home-schooled out of responsiveness -- and perhaps been happy to send the same kid back to school at a different time in his life or to a different school, or whatever.

We can all support each other in the desire to do what is best for our kids. That may mean home sometimes and school at others. Thanks to all of you for caring enough about your kids to even think of doing what makes them happy and successful. Proud to know you!
I also used the Alpha-Omega books there great! The best part about homeschooling was the family time spend and teaching my children the values and morals that we feel important and not what the goverment decides that they should learn or not learn. My Two oldest sons won College scholarships And I am very proud of them.
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