How many nest boxes do I need

i have 8 for 7 layers and they all use the same box. I have see 3 at a time trying to lay on eachother with another standing right there glaring and waiting her turn. Sometimes not making it in the box and leaving it on the floor. Sometimes they change boxes but they all share. Easier to collect the eggs i guess.
Whatt kind of breeds do you have? I have 8 BLRWs and 6 of them are broody with 4 nest boxes in their coop the 2 that aren't broody have no where to lay...sigh... so if you have breeds that tend to go broody you might want the 4 nest boxes...
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Same with many other posters - we have 2 boxes for 4 hens but they all use the same box. I think in a year, I've found maybe 1 or 2 eggs in the left hand box. I've had them sitting on top of each other trying to lay in the box, waiting in line in the coop, sitting in the other box looking at the one in the 'favorite' box as if to say 'come on already'. Then she hops out and goes in that box once the other hen has laid! Go figure. We just got 3 more chicks and were thinking of adding another box but I'm not going to bother. All 7 will probably still try to use the same box!
I have five boxes for 27 hens. There are anywhere from 5 to 9 eggs per box. Occasionally find one on the floor, but not usually. Now one hen is broody and won't get out of her favorite box, although I take all the eggs from under her each day. Can't deal with baby chicks this summer--too much other stuff going on.

So for eleven hens, two boxes would be enough, but it's just as easy to make three while you're building.

I keep eight nest boxes for thirty layers. Like others have reported, they use five of them regularly and the other three don't get any use. Go figure!

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