How many nesting boxes?

I have 5 hens ...three nesting boxes..they take turns daily using either the left or the right or the middle, but all use the same box. My nests are 18 inches off floor of hen house.
I have three hens and one nest box with pine shavings. The girls kick them out a little, but I just add a new handful once a week or so.
I agree with two at most. I have six girls, three of which are laying and they use one box. I use straw for bedding and a piece of carpet lining the box. They have worked the straw into a nest.
I have 5 hens, 2 are now laying and we have a long pull out box that is sectioned into 4 nest boxes. The 2 layers prefer one on each end and have yet to lay in a middle box. I use pine shavings for litter but my girls do toss it around quite a bit. I was trying to use the deep litter method (2-4 inches deep) and they kept tossing it out into the run. They only do it when I add fresh shavings, and have left a small thin layer of them on the floor of the coop. They leave the pine shavings in their nest boxes alone. When I stopped adding it they left it alone so I have a wierd feeling they prefer it with less litter. This week Im going to try making a feeder they cant knock over because Im wondering if they maybe tossing it out when it is thick because thats when they dump their food out and scratch for it. When there is less litter they dont usually dump their food. We tried making a PVC feeder but hubby decided he knew best and did it his way, now I cant find many of the parts I bought for it and have no idea how to install it they way he built it.
He is deployed now so Im left trying to figure out what he was planning
Im tempted to rebuild the coop & put in my own feeders while he is gone.
I have 6 hens and 4 nest boxes: two in each of two coops since they are two distinct "flocks" (the first 3 are a year older than the newbies) - but they share outdoor space. The three older hens lay in "their" nest boxes and one of the new hens waits until I let them out and then goes into the older birds' coop and nest box and lays there too. One of the newbies lays in the "new" nest box in their new coop. One of the newbies has not started laying yet. We shall see what she decides. In any case, it appears that they are happy to share and there is one particularly attractive (to the hens - I can't tell the difference) nest box they all like to use. They wait in line unless the egg is imminent.
I use straw or hay in the nest boxes. They never pollute the nest boxes and the hay/straw stays clean and dry. They also like to pick up bits of straw and put it on their back after laying - some primitive instinct - and I am not sure they would do this with shavings. Shavings are great for areas where they relieve themselves but I prefer straw or hay for the nests. Others thoughts?


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