How many of you really think it is possible??

Did someone say rum
Im heading out now to get my canned papayas, mangos and pineapples so I can be prepared

Over and over I am hearing the same thing in everyone... fear. Things are not stable and, with so much uncertainty, anyone who has two brain cells to rub together is going to be concerned. There is nothing wrong with that. I agree that the media and radio may be adding some hype and contributing to the fear but, the reality is what scares me. My father has a college degree and has owned his own company for 27 years. He can't get a job at Lowe's. He's almost 60 and there just isn't room for him now. My husband is strong and smart and has been with the same company for 10 years. That company has laid off 80% of its employees and is fearing the worst. We almost lost everything in a few real estate ventures that FINALLY sold Thank you, JESUS. Friends are losing their homes and moving in with their parents. Times are scarey and I think the only thing that helps those of whom are concerned is to be prepared.

My husband and I and are two children moved back home to the family farm..with my family.. so did my brother
It's tight but everyone has their own room (Office is now a bedroom) We are planning a huge garden this year.. the biggest there has ever been on this farm in almost a hundred years. We sold everything that we didn't NEED or LOVE at a huge farm sale last summer .. mostly just stuff taking up space. We patched up fences and opened a horse boarding operation to make money now and are focussing on paying off this house. Thankfully, we did qualify for the home affordability program for both the family farm and my house so we are paying 2% interest on each home. We rented out our former home for more than our mortgage (Rental markets are actually good where I live... guess folks aren't buying houses for FEAR that prices will fall OR they just cannot qualify for a home because of bad credit.. either way renting our home was a breeze and had 20 some folks interested from a two day stent on craigslist)

We buy our clothes at yard sales, clearance racks and the salvation army. I don't look like a hobo and find great stuff for near nothing. I am so spoiled now when I go through the mall I laugh at $40 for a shirt. NO very WAY! I hunt deals and buy everything "gently used" ...That's going to be my new favorite saying for 2011... GENTLY USED... it costs a tiny fraction of what NEW costs and is just as good.

I buy and sell anything I can make money on. ...found a lady selling turkey poults for $3 ea last spring and bought every one... and sold them for $10 ea at one month old. ..just bought hay bales from a guy a half hour away. He trucked them in at a great rate and now Im selling them for a profit. It may not be the business we were used to but, it's still business to me.. .and every bit helps and being frugal, saving and making money on WHATEVER is the name of the game right now. Don't be shy. Think about what you have to offer and make it known; fix it man, artist, teaching people how to can (very popular right now) and go for it. This reminds me of that little VERY LITTLE time I spent in jail
(probably because of the rum) and saw the women trading whatever they had for whatever services they could provide. One lady could braid hair and I gave her my flip flops and I took a pair of jail flip flops to get my "wig did" When I got out on Sunday, I looked just like Alicia Keyes
and she had a new pair of flip flops! win-win ...maybe TMI for BYC but ... I am not shy. It's making good use of yourself and what you have to offer. We can get through this if we think outside the box and try to be prepared. The end may not be near but, it certainly won't hurt preparing for what may or may not be in store... especially if it helps us sleep at night.
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I've missed discussing "the issues" with you guys - this is quite possibly the best online place to get other perspectives.

Well, I'll be dipped Q9! You're back AND we agree on something!!
I have WHAT in my yard? :

I've missed discussing "the issues" with you guys - this is quite possibly the best online place to get other perspectives.

Well, I'll be dipped Q9! You're back AND we agree on something!!

Wow. I didn't figure anyone would notice, considering we have 73,000 members.

Wait, we agree?!
I've missed discussing "the issues" with you guys - this is quite possibly the best online place to get other perspectives.

Your perspective is always interesting Q. I enjoy a lot of the other perspectives too. Sometimes it makes you rethink your own opinions.
I've missed discussing "the issues" with you guys - this is quite possibly the best online place to get other perspectives.

Your perspective is always interesting Q. I enjoy a lot of the other perspectives too. Sometimes it makes you rethink your own opinions.

It's what I like about this place. Other forums usually end up just disgusting me. Half the time the members are so clueless and rude that even if I agree with them I have to do everything possible to disassociate myself from them.
There was an opinion stated on another interesting line. They stated that people should've paid their mortgage off instead of remodeling the kitchen. That's so spot on.

2011 is the year of frugality. If we could sale our house we would. We can't though. If we need to do a short sale we'll just walk away. Credit takes just as bad of hit for 10 years either way. While I'm employed we will continue to pay it. Other than that we are doing the Dave Ramsey thing.

Who knows what Washington will be doing. I'll be following the SS forum for ideas and hunkering down. My biggest worry is gas prices and how they'll affect my job. we can grow most of our food. as long as you have protein and some veggies, you can get by.
I know it's inevitable. All things end. Nothing lasts forever. I'll be fine, unless I die in which case I won't care anymore. Happy New Year everyone! I really don't understand the point of studying history if we consistently refuse to learn from it.
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Why study history if history keeps changing. ..the history books anyway. I have books from when my father was in school and now I look at the history books for kids in school today ???? what

In college, I tried to sell my "History of Civilization" book back to the book store at the end of the semester. They wouldn't buy it... said it was outdated

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