How many of you really think it is possible??

Wifezilla don't be silly - That is only happening in OTHER countries! Our government would not do that HERE!!!
Yes Wifezilla. That is one of the scenarios. Haven't heard about it happening here. They probably take bigger risks in other countries. However if there's enough money involved (Like more than 10.00 or so) I could see a corporation doing it here with government help and Congress people greasing the wheels for them. The average American really doesn't have much value after all.
You mean like planting fancy-schmancy government protected, gene patented, genetically modified crops and then having them not grow???

"Shankara's crop had failed - twice. Of course, famine and pestilence are part of India's ancient story.
But the death of this respected farmer has been blamed on something far more modern and sinister: genetically modified crops.
Shankara, like millions of other Indian farmers, had been promised previously unheard of harvests and income if he switched from farming with traditional seeds to planting GM seeds instead.

Distressed: Prince Charles has set up charity Bhumi Vardaan Foundation to address the plight of suicide farmers
Beguiled by the promise of future riches, he borrowed money in order to buy the GM seeds. But when the harvests failed, he was left with spiralling debts - and no income.
So Shankara became one of an estimated 125,000 farmers to take their own life as a result of the ruthless drive to use India as a testing ground for genetically modified crops."

"Farmers in South Africa have reported an inexplicable failure to seed in three different varieties of corn genetically modified (GM) by the Monsanto Corporation.

"One can't see from the outside whether a plant is unseeded," said Kobus van Coller of Free State province. "One must open up the cob leaves to establish the problem."

The problems occurred only in corn engineered by Monsanto for increased yields or for resistance to the company's trademark herbicide, Roundup (glyphosate). Failure to seed has been documented in the provinces of Free State, Mpumalanga and North West."

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And what happens when growing heirloom crops is made illegal or even the small garden is illegal because your seeds/crops may be diseased and could infect the GM foods that are being grown commercially for our good supply. I think that's what way the food industry would like to go... REGULATION regulation regulation... snuff us all out so there is no other choice. That way sugar is "sugar" and we can all be in ignorant, clogged artery bliss.

Think this is crazy... the government is already trying to regulate our poultry flocks with NPIP and testing us before we can take our birds across state lines or sell them. We already cannot sell processed poultry without a USDA stamp... unless off of the farm... What difference does it make if I sell it on my farm or to the same person in Giant foods? The person would assume the same risk. I can't even sell at a farmer's market! The reg. are growing exponentially and the death of the small farmer is within sight.. I do believe.

The small farmer with no lobbyists and no attorneys may soon find it very difficult to continue to operate in the way they always have. It will become too difficult to turn a profit and the next generation will just give up.
Here's where we get into trouble. Right now we all are stuck with a Sophie's choice.

If we fight government regulation we actually let the big corporations get away with whatever they want, because it is they who want fewer regs even more than we want fewer regs.

But, if we don't fight government regulation then the big corporations use the government to get what they want anyway.

Just try really hard to get clear about who the bad guys are here. One is a tool of the bad guy, but only one is the bad guy. And the big international corporations are NOT the same as "business". They're not.

The difference is that the government is something we own, we have the right and the ability to take it back. Truth? We have a responsibility to take it back. And I don't mean violence or revolution, I mean using the system like it was meant to be used. You not only should know your congressperson,, they should know YOU.

Whoever sits in that chair in the Oval office should hear from you. There are no excuses anymore, it takes to clicks of your mouse.

I personally, think it IS possible, just not really likely. What keeps it from being possible is the flip side of two things: our ability to change the system and our unwillingness to do a dang thing about it.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Here's where we get into trouble. Right now we all are stuck with a Sophie's choice.

If we fight government regulation we actually let the big corporations get away with whatever they want, because it is they who want fewer regs even more than we want fewer regs.

But, if we don't fight government regulation then the big corporations use the government to get what they want anyway.

Just try really hard to get clear about who the bad guys are here. One is a tool of the bad guy, but only one is the bad guy. And the big international corporations are NOT the same as "business". They're not.

The difference is that the government is something we own, we have the right and the ability to take it back. Truth? We have a responsibility to take it back. And I don't mean violence or revolution, I mean using the system like it was meant to be used. You not only should know your congressperson,, they should know YOU.

Whoever sits in that chair in the Oval office should hear from you. There are no excuses anymore, it takes to clicks of your mouse.

I personally, think it IS possible, just not really likely. What keeps it from being possible is the flip side of two things: our ability to change the system and our unwillingness to do a dang thing about it.

Eh, actually, the big corporations use government regulation to get what they want. If the feds would get out, then the big companies couldn't get subsidies and other benefits, nor could they regulate smaller competitors out of existence. The only advantage they would have is public ignorance. The primary campaign here needs to be educating the public - it's surprising how easy it is to educate folks on the issues with much of modern farming. People seem a good deal more receptive to it than to other contrary-to-popular-belief ideas.

As to your last point, I sincerely wish they would listen. They haven't, and they won't. For the most part, they're inconsistent liars who are in it for the power. A few might be swayed, but until the public is aware of the problem, they will do nothing to fight it. It doesn't feel like it on BYC, of course, but I'm a minority where I live. Most people I've met either haven't heard of or don't care about modern problems, least of all those dealing with farming.​
Eh, actually, the big corporations use government regulation to get what they want. If the feds would get out, then the big companies couldn't get subsidies and other benefits, nor could they regulate smaller competitors out of existence.

That is exactly what I said. We just disagree on what would happen if "the feds get out". I am not convinced if the feds got out all that would happen is that they would stop giving assistance to big corps. Citizens United is a classic example of where we lost control of the very thing that is supposed to prevent this...... We need to get control of the government back - then people like you and I can argue over what its role should be in business. Get what I mean??​
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Eh, actually, the big corporations use government regulation to get what they want. If the feds would get out, then the big companies couldn't get subsidies and other benefits, nor could they regulate smaller competitors out of existence.

That is exactly what I said. We just disagree on what would happen if "the feds get out". I am not convinced if the feds got out all that would happen is that they would stop giving assistance to big corps. Citizens United is a classic example of where we lost control of the very thing that is supposed to prevent this...... We need to get control of the government back - then people like you and I can argue over what its role should be in business. Get what I mean??​

Dang it, I was hoping that we would finally be disagreeing on something.
Well, it looks like until the government is under control, we still agree.
If that happens to my husband and I; we may run out of room to put the bodies.
No way on this planet will someone come in and claim our land that we pay for every month and think they are going to walk away.
My husband knows I will fight to the death to protect what we have.
If that happens to my husband and I; we may run out of room to put the bodies.
No way on this planet will someone come in and claim our land that we pay for every month and think they are going to walk away.
My husband knows I will fight to the death to protect what we have.

I have at least two friends who own small armories, one of whom is in a family of survivalists. If Red Dawn ever came true, well, let's just say it'd be easy to tell where the edge of his family's land is.

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