How many of you really think it is possible??

Great thread. I'm new here so I won't stick my foot too far into my mouth by voicing my opinion.

Anytime someone mentions "Ferfal" or "The Creature from Jekyll Island" my ears perk up.
Yes, I read just about every word before posting my own reply.

I think we are like the frog in the pot, except the water is no longer cold or even cool, it's beginning to boil and it's past time we woke up and acknowledged it!

Oh, and I'm someones uncle, the crazy Vietnam Veteran who the family likes to distance themselves from.
Welcome, wild trapper! If you hang around a while you'll discover there are ALOT of people here who have relatives that give us wide berth!!!

Have you hopped over to Sufficient self yet??
According to one of my old professors it is very likely that everything will collapse within the next couple of years.... but then he believes that in 2012 its all ending
. Well actually he believes we will take form as pure energy, so I am not sure that I really believe him on this one. The thing I have come to learn in my short life (23 years) is that life is unpredictable and who really know what will happen! I could wake up to find that the world has gone all Resident Evil overnight, unlikely I know, or more likely that its just snowed. Personally I feel like its better not to worry about it as its outside of my control.
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Every era has its own the world is ending belief. The world never ends, but the world as we know it will.

The world as we know it ends on a regular basis, the level of upheaval that goes along with it is the only variable.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

I got to talking to some people yesterday and got to wondering.

BYC is a wide spectrum of people so let me ask: How many of you really think that major civil unrest/societal destabilization is likely in the next five years?

Hey gang...

Very enjoyable 17 page read.. Thank you for the thought provoking posts...

I find the variations in the "end of the world theme" interesting... One must admit many different plausible scenarios.
While that is not the question I felt it is related to "the question".......

Well IMO, we do indeed have societal destabilization happening at an accelerated rate. Civil unrest, just a general underlying feeling of it..

Will we have wide spread rioting and demonstrations? IMO, no... It is my sad opinion we have become SHEEP, staying in the pen we are supposed to so we get our treats.. (Money, Hummers, gold plated toilets in Mc Mansions, and all the other monetary carrots on a stick we have been trained to pursue).

I feel we are nearly "controlled" by the global powers and "keepers of the system". If things get real bad they will divert our attention with a WAR or three.. They will tell us to HATE some one or something, and to FEAR it!!!!... This will temporarily fix fracturing of society, and bring us together...

I do not see societal collapse in 5 years, maybe 25 years on the current path for our country. If we can not get off the current path then hopefully it can happen gracefully like the Soviet Union..

So it is my thinking the next phase will be the temptation of war in the next 5 years, a big one... I feel it is imperative we the people resist this temptation, in order to survive as Americans, retaining freedoms.

On an optimistic note, the comments in this thread and the ability we have to communicate globally via the internet person to person gives me hope.. We can see others in the world are just like us...PEOPLE, with governments we do not really agree with, that we lost control of that pander to a small group of elit multinationals.. However, we the people can endure great hardship, we can come together as a people, without the manipulation of the "keepers of the system". We can create our own economies on a local scale trading and bartering with those around you.

SO I feel our ability to communicate without censorship on a global level is key to our salvation as a species... I find it very interesting that Goldman Sachs Just Bought Facebook...... Hmmmmm

Prepare, in what ever way you see fit.. Changing your priorities from monetary ones, to priorities that give a deeper more primal satisfaction. I do not bank food for years to come, build bomb shelters and so forth. Instead I learn to operate and raise a family on the fringe of the current "system". Build relationships learn to barter... Matter of fact if enough people "drop out" of the game.. The collapse will come more quickly, and be on OUR terms......

I will admit, I openly verbally attack industrial agriculture every chance I get. I am an active participatent in the "radical" local agriculture movement...

Yes... I do wish and hope for a collapse of the "system" for the shackles that bind us all to slavery of the ultra wealthy "keepers of the system". to be released.. I cheer every time I hear a "chain" store is having a hard time.. I support private small business every opportunity I get... I see getting back to local, small businesses owned by individuals content to simply make a living with no desire to take over the world and get rich as our way out....

Be well..
Think ahead..
Always remember the end of one thing is the begining of another..
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Every era has its own the world is ending belief. The world never ends, but the world as we know it will.

The world as we know it ends on a regular basis, the level of upheaval that goes along with it is the only variable.

Thats spooky my friend... We were thinking the same thing at the same time again....


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