How many of you really think it is possible??

I have WHAT in my yard? :

Here's NASA on the magnetic field movement.

say it is part of what is causing the animal die offs. But, I am not so certain.

Did anyone see this month's National Geographic on population???? Now, THAT is going to be a problem.

I think it may be related to the birds falling from the sky, or the fish.

Yes I did read the NG on population.. I came away with a positive feeling, that they feel it will level off at 9 Billion, and that population can be supported. I found the article optimistic..

ON I found the article optimistic too. I agree that population will start to level off, but I have my own doubts about what the planet can manage and what humans will do to it.

The question is wether or not humans can learn quickly enough to marshall our adaptive abilities to manage what we have.

Aside from that - back to my original question - the assassination in Arizona is what I was talking about. If this is a lone gunman, aberrant issue, we're cool. If not, this could be the start. If we're lucky enough people will be shocked and appalled that this will be the end of it.
Oh I had not heard about AZ . WIll need to look at that one..
As you know I exist outside of the mainstream...

Indeed I too feel the need for humanity to get a grip on itself inorder to survive... We are indeed our greatest threat.

Be well...
Postivie thoughts
Positive outcomes
I posted something on the other thread about that shooting.

just a link to a map.

I didn't find the NG all that optimistic. There's hope that the population levels off, yes. But I question whether we can sustain population in good condition or even whether we ought to.....
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It was a 22 year old, he has some utube videos. he is protesting education and not having our currency backed by gold. also he may be an anti govt person. He is obviosly deranged, he told the authorities he acted alone. lets hope hes not part of some group of lunatics. The last thing we need is people starting to target govt officials with violence.
I don't go for all the disaster woo, but I do prepare.

The economy is in real danger due to excessive exploitation by the NYC-DC Axis.

The weather can do some nasty things like Katrina and Ike.

Clients can do nasty things like pay late, pay never, pull contracts, or self destruct.

So yes, I have stored supplies, reference material, and laying chickens.

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