How many of you really think it is possible??

You are sure right about the Presidency. Obama is a brilliant man. However he was sure not prepared for the mess he was getting into. Did you see the look on Bushes face when he shook Obamas hand before going to the airport. It was a look of pure relief. It was a look like "Better you than me sucker". Yeah the poor guy has aged 10 years in the 2 years he's been in. Yes Bush looked a lot older after 8 years and he wasn't even making the decisions. It's a really tough job. Then for the rest of your life you have to live under guard.

Obama is falling through the cracks trying to please everyone and actually pleasing very few. He has much better approval rating after the lame duck Congress got so much done in the last 3 weeks. I have a real hard time reading the guy. I can't tell if he has good intentions and not enough honest people behind him or if everything is going the way he wants it to. I have learned a lot in the last 10 years though.Believe me, I don't have any rose colored glasses on when it comes to the current administration. I can see it clearly. I'm just not quite sure exactly what I'm seeing.

Yeah, who cares what the 1st lady is wearing. We haven't had a hot looking 1st lady since Jackie. At least she pushed some good programs for kids and had someone plant a garden for her. I still think they should have some chickens though. Let them roam around in the White House. It would be like the Beverly Hillbillies.
I don't disagree with your points ridgerunner not a one of them. But I do think that all of them are things that can be worked out.

I am not going to detail my own thinking on this, except for the issues of lobbyists. Yes, some one who has worked in an industry is the right person to work for an agency that regulates that industry. HOWEVER, what we have is a series of revolving doors. Look in particular at food. People work a career path that involves working for monsanto, then going to work at the FDA and then either going back to Monsanto or going to one of Monsanto's pet lobbying groups. Five years is not a long time at all in a career path. It is not dissimilar from the non-compete clauses MANY industries have for certain levels of staff.

What troubles me about the family issues are things like the Hitler/Churchill comparison. Sometimes the things that make a candidate sound good (the values stuff) does not always make them a person who can handle the need to make ugly decisions. I don't think I am saying this well either.

Every human being is hiding something. I really get angry at people who say "Well he said such and such three years ago." Or worse, "He did this when he was in college or he wrote this paper." Seriously, do you really want some one running the country whose thinking has not evolved at all since college?? We test out radical ideas at that age and if we're lucky we grow out of most of them!

You know the question of a president's religious beliefs is fairly a new thing. We used to think what the man believed in his spiritual relationship was his business. Jefferson would never get elected today.

As a democracy there were two key decision the courts made in the last few years that have signaled the death knell to the democratic process. The first was when Florida said that a television show could knowingly report things that it knew were not true as if it was fact and still call itself a news show. The judgement said that just because a show was called news did not mean it had to be true.

The second was Citizens United giving corporations full rein to interfere in elections. Yes, we all have freedom of speech, but corporations can buy alot more speech than the rest of us can.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

New rules:

a.) the family of any person running for any office is off limits from personal attacks. If they have done anything illegal then that can be reported if it applies to the job of the person running. DUIs etc do not count.

b.) The campaign can only run for three months period. Done and over

c.) the people running get a set amount of money to spend; everyone gets the same amount depending on office being sought. Anyone discovered spending any MORE than that amount on things related to campaigning is disqualified from running and must pay back what was given to them.

d.) Lobbyists should be illegal. But, they cannot be so there needs to be serious limits. No one who served ANY government official can become a lobbyist for a minimum of five years after leaving that position. NO lobbyist can run for any office for five years after leaving a lobbying group. No former lobbyists for any one corporation may go to work in the regulatory body that oversees that industry.No lobbying group can accept more than 50% of their funding from any one corporation.

For now however, all members of congress should wear coveralls like NASCAR racers with sponsors names emblazoned on them so we know who owns them!
No sane person would want to be president these days.

How about straight up campaign finance reform. NO private money....
Last I checked we the people own the airwaves...Lets use them for more debates..
No appointed positions, they seem to get around conflict of interest pretty easily.. We have way to many fox's in the hen houses.

Dunk, I am with ya on the hair thing... Long hair uses too much shampoo and then I would need to actually look in a mirror and buy a comb or something...

Did I not say just the other day... Hate mongering.. It is in the air, it has been a trend since about 1990... I do not like it one bit. Quite frankly I am surprised the Arizona thing does not happen more often.

On a side note During the last campaign, I was watching one of John McCain's rally's in Arizona.. I saw a person (A 20's or young 30's man holding a child) in that crowd that actually scared me, the look in his eye.... the "sense" I got was very very disturbing. (It was not their reaction to what McCain was saying but their reaction to what he was not saying.)

How about straight up campaign finance reform. NO private money....
Last I checked we the people own the airwaves...Lets use them for more debates..
No appointed positions, they seem to get around conflict of interest pretty easily.. We have way to many fox's in the hen houses.

Dunk, I am with ya on the hair thing... Long hair uses too much shampoo and then I would need to actually look in a mirror and buy a comb or something...

Did I not say just the other day... Hate mongering.. It is in the air, it has been a trend since about 1990... I do not like it one bit. Quite frankly I am surprised the Arizona thing does not happen more often.

On a side note During the last campaign, I was watching one of John McCain's rally's in Arizona.. I saw a person (A 20's or young 30's man holding a child) in that crowd that actually scared me, the look in his eye.... the "sense" I got was very very disturbing. (It was not their reaction to what McCain was saying but their reaction to what he was not saying.)


There was a lot of hate in some of the people in those crowds. Lot's of desperation and misplaced hatred out there right now.

Yes ON. My DW cut her hair and is so much happier with it now. I like it better too. She has a great neck.
So what is this about short hair? Where'd short hair come from?

All I know is that according to Q9's zombie survival test, long hair is BAD.

I'd be a goner.
Biggest problem with long hair is that it's too easy to grab the person. Short hair leaves less to grab hold of. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
Well long hair can be easier to snag on things (or grab, as stated).
It also take more time to clean, tangles easily and can generally be a hassle if you are in survival mode.
You could get all sorts of things caught in it, like bugs, leaves, twigs, etc.
Longer hair, like past shoulder length, would probably be a big hassle in a long term survival situation.
You could keep it in a bun or something and that might help, but cutting it might be more beneficial depending on the situation.
Biggest problem with long hair is that it's too easy to grab the person. Short hair leaves less to grab hold of. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

But I get far more smiles, from the ladies, with my long, wavy locks, than I do with it cut short...Then, I just look like something on a wanted poster.

ETA: I'm about sick of overweight men, with shaved heads and a stupid tribal tattoo, on their biceps, thinking that they are some kind of bad MMA fighter.
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