How many of your chicks hatched after day 21?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 3, 2014
I've read a lot that chicks have hatched after day 21 but it still makes me uneasy knowing mine haven't even moved at all. today is day 21 and we have three great looking eggs that all had life on day 18. I'm just wondering why they haven't moved yet or if maybe they just won't hatch? How many of yours moved and hatched after the 21st day? I'm just very concerned and doing everything I can not to candle them and disturb their humidity
I'm tempted to open the bator enough to stick a syringe in there and tap on one of the eggs to see or hear any response, would this work? I've heard people taking the whole egg out to tap and hear but I don't want to disturb them any more than I have to. If I did tap, would it be loud enough to hear outside the bator?
I'm thinking because my incubator is still air, that the temp of 99.5 may be delaying them a bit. I'm trying to increase it to 101 now but it seems to be slow

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