How Many of Your Pets Walk Into the Bathroom With You?


Arent ya glad though that ya heard the thump...BEFORE ya sat down???
I had to move the cats' litter box out of the bathroom when I started brooding chicks in there. Didn't stop them from wanting to come in and visit with me. Plus the dogs always wanted in there any time I went into the bathroom. The door has been continually closed and their access denied since I started incubating and brooding chicks, last Summer.

However, the two dogs whine outside the door, sometimes pawing at it, when they think I have spent too much time in there without them. And the cat will push their paws under the door and meow.

Now that I have three older chicks who have been getting out of their brooder and investigating the bathroom, there have been some hysterically funny moments with a cat's paw getting pecked - purely out of chicken curiosity. And a chicken bending down to peer through the gap under the door whilst a dachshund is snorfling at the same gap, oh, that is priceless!
My Chow dog is smart, in time she realized that it's pointless to jump up every time I go to the bathroom, coz I'm just coming RIGHT back to sit back down (usually at the computer) so she'll just watch and make sure I don't do anything "exciting" instead of just a bathroom visit.
My Lab dog though, thinks every time I get up it's to play or cook or do something thrilling like that, so yeah. He's SLOWLY catching on, I've seen him stay on his bed and just WATCH intently when hubbs gets up to go, I guess the lazy bug it getting him too, but I'm still the ball thrower and dog feeder so he gets up with me.
YES!!! I hate that-for gosh sakes you havent needed me all day and when I want 5 minutes in privacy...thats the time you choose to ask me silly questions??? NO way!@

My calico cat will try and jump on my lap while in there and my cocker will stick his paws under the door and whine--
All the time. The dog wants the door open so she can stare at me. If I close the door, there is a white paw that shows up underneath it. (our kitten Hershey) When I finish, there is always a dog laying outside the door waiting on me. I mean, really, there is not even a window in there, it's not like I"m going to disappear down the drain or something.
My cat would do the same thing. If I would sit on the throne, she would come in and rub her body against my legs. If I am taking a shower, she would perch on the side of the tub, waiting for me to get out and drink from the fountain. Jeez, she has water in her bowl! What's worse, she is a floor tripper on purpose!

And get this, when hubby and I are "playing", she would make a racket with her paw under the door, rattling it and meow pitifully. Hard to ignore that when you are having your fun!

Why do pets have to be in the private parts in our lives?? Kids are just as bad but at least kids KNOW not to bother us in the bathroom or bedroom but a dog or cat can't. Tsk tsk, they have boundary issues!
I get interrupted by cats, kids, and the hubby. If you don't latch the door when you go in, the kitten comes barreling in to sit next to you for fear she will miss the flush (her favorite part!). The older cat only comes in when I am taking a shower so she can lick my feet and legs when I get out.
Geez, I just took a shower, I don't need you licking me! The kids can't ask me whatever they need in the two minutes before or after I am in the bathroom, it has to be at that exact moment while I am in there.
Then there is the hubby who comes in and scares the crap outta me while I am taking a shower!

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