How Many of Your Pets Walk Into the Bathroom With You?

I've been leading a parade everywhere I go, for decades. They follow me everywhere. If I start doing something, they all lounge around and wait until it's time to follow me somewhere else.

It used to just be a pack of cocker spaniels. Now I have a ragdoll cat that acts like a dog and follows me everywhere, too. He's tried to get in the shower with me, but that's where I draw the line!

The new pup wants to get in the shower with me, too. I think I've finally convinced him that's not going to happen. I have to dodge dog slobber when I get out, too. We're still working on that. He's no longer chewing on my clothes or trying to wear them in the bathroom, so that's a good thing. Hey, I'm making progress!
My last little chihuahua Kay-Dee will be 14 in about 3 weeks, she still follows me to the bathroom and sits in my lap.

She weighs a big 2 1/2 pounds. I have lost my other 2 and I really miss them following me to the bathroom.
I have a boxer a bassett and a chow mix that can be fast asleep but as soon as I go to the bathroom I have all 3 in there with me, thats EVERY time I go the bathroom. Im a big girl now, I can go on my own, but they wont hear of it and come down and sit with me all the same
I've given up locking the door when I use the restroom. Typically, I leave it partially open (unless we have guest). It's like time stands still and the sound of the latch is like a huge gong announcing to every person and animal that I am available for questions or companionship. Which results in DH and/or kids asking if I've seen something of theirs, cat paws under the door and dogs snuffling under the door and nudging the handle. My cat usually follows me in and it's one of the few times she likes to be pet. If the dogs are inside I have all three trying to squeeze as close as possible to me, while shoving the others away. Meanwhile, the cat is scowling from the doorway, because the dogs have intruded upon "her" time.

I have to make a very conscious effort to close and lock the door at work, since I'm the only woman here and I'd mortify all the men I work with.

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