How much Diatomaceous Earth per 50 lbs. of feed?

therenis a store up in my area,generally well regaurded (but I have not personally ordered from them).
They have DE listed at $29.99 for a 50# bag. I don't how much shipping costs are, they have multiable options available.
Hope this helps :)
The majority of those who claim it works are still those who SELL it

I do not sell it and it works for me.
I do not sell it and it works for me.
I hear lots of people say that, but none who can ever really show proof.
And I did say "most", not all.

Have you done fecal tests to show your birds HAD worms when you started using it, and have none now, or are you just assuming they don't without really knowing?
Bear Foot,

You seem to mis understand me. The producers and consumers aren't requesting reports is what I'm saying - they use it because it works for the multitude of reasons they need it for. Does my 100k-head dairy farm care about DE controlling internal parasites? No, they care that it keeps mold and insects down in feed storage, keeps feed costs down, keeps insects down in the soil when spread, and helps absorb urine and manure runoff when spread. After their trial groups showed better profit margins on the feeding, they chose to adopt DE into their business. Again, this particular client did note reduced internal parasites and other health probelms, along with increased production in the trial groups, but that's not what they wanted to primarily use DE for.

Please don't assume i'm 'pushing' DE because i 'sell' it. I provide whatever my customers require or ask me to look into.

Again, the consumers run trials - what we typically refer to as field trials or field testing - when i said they aren't requesting testing, i meant that they aren't asking for an independent, 3rd party labratory or university to rerun the data.

The poster above already pointed out that you are pulling and highlighting the sentences out of the report that you only agree with. I'm analytical; i pool all known data from all verifiable sources in order to properly meet my customers requests. I could go back and forth on this issue, but i can already see from earlier posts that you wish to argue for the sake of arguing, and that's not worth anyone's time. I just posted in an attempt to answer the questions that people were asking, not feed a troll. Please don't take my words out of context to fit your arguement.

If you do not use DE, that's your choice as a consumer and a business. I'll trust the data and the practices of the multimillion companies, thank you.
Quote: "Field trials" are simply more anecdotal evidence.
Science usually isn't able to verify those claims in an actual lab trial

Whether I "agree" with statements or not in no way changes their validity.
I highlight them because they apply to the topic
Feel free to show any data you may have that contradicts what I've posted,

I'm not "arguing".
I'm presenting verified facts that contradict the sales hype.
I'm willing to look at any real testing that shows it's beneficial

No one claimed DE doesn't absorb liquids and kill insects, and drier conditions alone can decrease parasite loads, but the same effect can be acheived by simply spreading it on the ground. Lack of rain will do the same thing.

Passing DE through the animals first doesn't gain any advantages
Adding it to feed is done to control the insects, and nothing more
@Bear Foot Farm, are you assuming that it does not work? Have you used it? Have you had fecal tests done to show that it does not work?
That's not an answer to my question, but no I am not "assuming" anything
I'm basing it on scientific data that says it doesn't work on internal parasites, and I've shown examples here and on other threads you've read

Here's someone who had necropsies done on when their birds died AFTER being treated with DE and Cayenne:
I'm sure you've seen it before:
I've never been able to find a controlled scientific test that proves DE kills internal parasites by feeding it to the birds, and neither has anyone else.

If you have one to show, we'd all love to see it
I'll tell you what- I'll get in touch with the mine and request any data on chickens in particular. I'm pretty sure they haven't done pultry, and if that's true, i'll put in a request for testing regarding relationship between DE and internal parasites. If/When i get results, i'll post them here in pdf (might be a year from now). Can't promise they'll spend the money to do it, but i'll try. They've been pretty good about getting lab work done in the past when it comes to Ag, so i'll keep my fingerscrossed.
I'll tell you what- I'll get in touch with the mine and request any data on chickens in particular. I'm pretty sure they haven't done pultry, and if that's true, i'll put in a request for testing regarding relationship between DE and internal parasites. If/When i get results, i'll post them here in pdf (might be a year from now). Can't promise they'll spend the money to do it, but i'll try. They've been pretty good about getting lab work done in the past when it comes to Ag, so i'll keep my fingerscrossed.

Thank you!

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