How much Diatomaceous Earth per 50 lbs. of feed?

Do you use caution when you use the DE? I was told to be careful breathing it in ,,I use a mask when doing a big you?
Well, i've read my fair share of field trial reports with control groups (cattle mostly) on DE. It's typical to see reduced internal parasites, sometimes complete elimination in the trials that lasted for a year, but those reports stay internal for obvious reasons. Can't have your competitors get their hands on your research. The typical hypothesis is that it's still a mechanical thing - some think the honeycomb texture of the DE might trap certain types of parasites, other's think it's somehow just a relay effect (parasites get introduced via insects; since lower insects/mold in feed, fewer parasites). It's all hypothesis. I get what Bear is wanting to see, and the mine would be the only one to produce research like that to be public.
Well, i've read my fair share of field trial reports with control groups (cattle mostly) on DE. It's typical to see reduced internal parasites, sometimes complete elimination in the trials that lasted for a year, but those reports stay internal for obvious reasons.
It's all hypothesis. I get what Bear is wanting to see, and the mine would be the only one to produce research like that to be public.

The guy from Permaguard said they "hoped" to do the research too.

Of course they said it once in the 70's, and then again in 1990, so I guess they define "hope" differently than I do

He does admit all it's proven to do ois kill insects
As a nurse I'm wondering about the affect of animals breathing in D.E. I also wonder about the possibility of micro lacerations in the GI tract from D.E.?
As a nurse I'm wondering about the affect of animals breathing in D.E. I also wonder about the possibility of micro lacerations in the GI tract from D.E.?

Silicosis is the result of breathing DE, and is well documented.

The particles in DE are so small it's unlikly they could damage the intestines, and it's often used in drug tests as a marker, since it passes through unchanged.

The FDA calls it "GRAS", meaning "Generally Regarded As Safe"

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