How much do you feed your chickens?

Personally, I just keep their feeder full with organic layer pellets. I also give them kitchen scraps about twice a week, and meal worms about once a week. They're good at regulating what they what in terms of quantity, but will eat a diet made up entirely of treats if allowed. I've never had any issues with them overeating. When they're full, they'll stop.
Mine get all they want of the layer pellets. I keep dry pellets in the hopper and make a wet mash every morning.
I have a cross beaked Orpington. She NEEDS the wet feed. Everyone enjoys it though.

I do not give unlimited greens. They have a tendency to fill up on those and treats instead of their balanced food.

I give a little less than 1/8th cup of scratch per bird per day. They get occasional greens. On gays they get greens they don't get scratch.
I never limit their Purina Flock Raiser. Dry feed is in the feeders at all times and I give them a wet mash of the FR every single morning when they come out of the coop. Mine forage every day from 11 am till sunset. Kitchen scraps? Hmmm, a handful maybe a week. Scratch? A couple of times a week. I use scratch to reinforce and reward them for coming when I call. It’s very important to me to be able to gather them all on command.
i have 13 chickens and I was wondering how much everyone feeds their flock.

I have read 1/3 cup of feed per chicken, unlimited greens, and 10% treats.

I am always worried I will over feed, or not feed enough.

How much do you feed your chickens? A bucket of scrapes, a bowl of veggies?
I free feed:idunno
I use a "no waste feeder" which prevents spillage and waste, I put a 50 pound bag of feed in when it starts to get empty (I dump the powdery bottom stuff into a pan, add water and serve a mash that day).
Kitchen scraps are served when I feel like it...sometimes right after a hunan meal, sometimes on fridge clean out day
I free feed:idunno
I use a "no waste feeder" which prevents spillage and waste, I put a 50 pound bag of feed in when it starts to get empty (I dump the powdery bottom stuff into a pan, add water and serve a mash that day).
Kitchen scraps are served when I feel like it...sometimes right after a hunan meal, sometimes on fridge clean out day

My pig gets upset at me when I give any scraps to my birds.
Mine do have access to a grain/crumble mix all day. I give them feed in the morning with a little bit of a mix of oats, cinnamon, raisin, coconut and cayenne powder.

I give them veggies in the afternoon, sometimes with worms, or fish.

Then fruit treat a few hours before bed. (Blueberries, or watermelon)

All of my girls have good size crops toward the evening, but their breast bone feels like it is protruding. They are all happy and laying almost everyday.

Should I be concerned about their weight? I have debated on getting their poop tested for parasites.

Thanks all for your comments. Very helpful.
Mine do have access to a grain/crumble mix all day. I give them feed in the morning with a little bit of a mix of oats, cinnamon, raisin, coconut and cayenne powder.

I give them veggies in the afternoon, sometimes with worms, or fish.

Then fruit treat a few hours before bed. (Blueberries, or watermelon)

All of my girls have good size crops toward the evening, but their breast bone feels like it is protruding. They are all happy and laying almost everyday.

Should I be concerned about their weight? I have debated on getting their poop tested for parasites.

Thanks all for your comments. Very helpful.
What is the protein content of your base feed? Its possible the treats are causing a dilution of their overall nutritional intake, resulting in constantly fed, yet malnourished, birds. Well balanced ration should be their primary intake, other food items should be a treat, not meals

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